
The Gordon Setter Dog Breed

The Gordon Setter was originally discovered in Scotland during the 1600%u2019s. The fourth Due of Gordon began the breed and used this breed as a hunting dog. They were mostly used for hunting birds and as gun dogs. Today they are considered in the sport breed group. The characteristics or description of S107 RC helicopter the dog is a black and tan coat, with medium to long hair. The coat should be glossy and fine to the touch. You will find that they are average shedders. For other characteristics you will find they have rather long thin legs, a thin long tail, and floppy ears. Their muzzle is also on the long thin side. The Gordon setter looks much like other setters. This dog is a medium size with a height of 23 to 27 inches and 45 to 80 pounds.The proper care and grooming is always needed for any dog and the Gordon setter is no different. They need to have a daily brushing to help prevent the tangles and matting that can occur with their coats. You will also find that professional grooming is usually necessary to trim the hair unless you have a good hand with the grooming shears. You should not bath them unless it is really necessary. In other words they need to have a lot of dirt and gunk that can%u2019t be gotten rid of through brushing. Their skin is very sensitive to washing. You will also find the nails need to be clipped and the hair on their feet trimmed. The Gordon setter tends to have health issues like bloating, renal disease, hip dysplasia, lameness, thyroid issues, cysts, and retinal atrophy.They have a wonderful personality. They are very polite, affectionate and happy animals. This makes the Gordon setter great around children. They tend to also be S107 RC helicopter very sociable and friendly with everyone. They can be a little aloof around strangers, but for the most part they are happy to have affection. You will find they are very devoted to their family. You do have to train them in socialization and obedience to get the best behavior from your Gordon setter. You will find if they are left alone for long periods of time they will be destructive and bark quite a bit. When they are happy they will not destroy things or bark unless they are alerting you to someone new approaching the house.Since they do need training you will find that obedience and socialization can be very easy. They are an eager to please and intelligent breed. This means firmness, with a gentle consistent hand is needed. You also want to make sure you provide plenty of stimulation as they can become bored with the same old toys and training. In some cases they may be a little stubborn. For activity you should provide a daily walk. They love to be outdoors so they may keep you outdoors for quite a while during their play and walking. They also like to run so a bike might be handy. You should let them swim, hunt, play, walk, and offer them plenty of different toys. They don%u2019t do well in apartments because they are very energetic.You should always have a small home with a yard or a farm for your Gordon setter. They will be a lot happy and S107 RC helicopter you can leave them outside during the day. It is best to make sure you stop by at least once in the middle of the day for ultimate happiness or provide a companion so they don%u2019t become lonely.

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