Composting is not only a sustainable practice that’s good for the environment, it’s also big business. Gardens all over the world benefit from the nutrients supplied from compost. It is a much studied process, verging on the edge of a science. And since wrong temperature can delay or even destroy the composting process, sensors are beneficial to report to a data acquisition system. Not only do they collect and record temperatures, but also recipe data and estimate bulk density, moisture content and carbon to nitrogen ratios. Hand- held or waterproof data loggers with sensors record this information and archive it for future use.The process of a data acquisition system starts with the observable piece of information or physical property to be measured, compost. This includes temperature, light magnitude, gas pressure, liquid flow, and force. Real world data is then recorded and manipulated by Wholesale Cheap Korean Clothing a computer, where its signals are processed, extracting exact information and storing it in a computer. The data gets measured by the components of the data acquisition system and sensors convert measurements and electrical signals before a computer manipulates processes it. This critical information is then obtained and archived for future use. Data acquisition systems come in many different forms to offer flexibility when choosing your system for your composting needs.Data logging is capable of being accomplished with constant human observation. Record the temperature changes of your compost over the course of an hour, using a timer, Wholesale Buy Mens Watch thermometer, pen and paper. Do your own research by starting a compost bin and checking it every day for a year. You’ll first need some bins and some compostable materials (fruit and vegetable scraps, egg shells, cardboard, lawn clippings, etc.). Then, check them every day for a month and write down the temperature. Then turn the material in the bins, and repeat. You’ll start to see Led h4 the temperature rise and fluctuate throughout the year. Or, you could purchase a data logger with a sensor probe or waterproof exterior. It will contain a sensor to receive the information and a computer chip to store it. Then the information stored in the data logger can be transferred to computer for further analysis. This is the information archived in your data acquisition system that’s makes it possible to just print out a report. Who knew that composting could Wholesale be so technologically advanced?